Runners get in Christmas cheer
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, with apologies to Clement Clarke Moore:
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the town; runners were stirring, ready to pound the ground; on streets dressed brightly in red and in green; the festive attire of the holiday scene.
The runners were restless; the light had turned red; while visions of miles played out in their heads.
And Dave in his Altras and I in my Brooks; dreamed of times yet to enter in record books.
Then around the corner there arose such a clatter; I sprang from the curb to see what was the matter.
Away in the distance lay the park; and I squinted to see figures appear from the dark.
The moon had arisen across the snow; and cast its light on a trail below; when, what to my wondering eyes should appear; but a pack of runners swift as deer.
With a leader in front with scant hair on his head; I knew in an instant it must be Saint Ed.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came; And he whistled and shouted and called them by name.
“Now Aiden! Now, Lou, Margretta and Buddy; On Don! On Rick! On Monte and Sally!
To the top of the hill and don’t hit the wall; Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!”
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly; when they meet with an obstacle mount to the sky; so up to the hilltop the coursers they flew; in a flurry of elbows, legs and shoes.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the street; the footfalls of dozens of runners’ feet.
As I strained to see their prints on the ground; across the street they came with a bound.
They were dressed for summer from head to toe; despite predictions that there would be snow.
The crisp air whispered between their clenched teeth; and steam circled their heads like a wreath.
Their eyes — how they twinkled! Their smiles, how merry; Their cheeks like roses, noses like cherries!
Their mouths were wide open and vapor arose; with each breath, soft ebbs and flows.
They spoke not a word, but ran straight down the trail; I gave them a wave; they answered my hail.
And then, the runners sprang to their toes; and over the crest of the hill they rose.
Ed dashed to the front, to his team gave a whistle; and away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard them exclaim as they vanished from sight; “Happy running to all, and to all a good night!”
Local boy does good — really good. Congratulations to Butler High School senior Drew Griffith on finishing first at the Foot Locker Nationals 5k cross country race on December 9. Drew bested 39 runners with his 15:06 finishing time and is the first runner outside of the Midwest to take top honors since 2016.
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, 9 A.M.: Run Santa Run 5k, Westlake, OH. Run in Crocker Park.
Sunday, 10 A.M.: The Christmas Eve 5k Run/Walk, Allison Park. Run at North Park’s Swimming Pool area. Free entry for kids ages 4 and under.
December 31, 3:30 P.M.: Silvester 5k and 1 Mile, Harmony. Part of Silvester Celebration.
December 31, 4 P.M.: Twilight 5k Run, 2 Mile Run and 2 Mile Walk, Hollidaysburg. Run or walk through Lights on the Lake in Lakemont Park.
January 1, 11 A.M.: New Year’s Resolution Run 5k and 1 Mile Family Walk, Oakdale. Run on Panhandle Trail.
January 6, 9 A.M.: North Park Half Marathon, Allison Park. Starts at North Park Boathouse.
January 6, 1 P.M.: Resolution Run 5k Run/Fun Walk, New Alexandria. Run around Keystone State Lake Park.
January 7, 10 A.M.: Set Your Year on Fire 5k Run, Walk and Ruck, Ligonier.
January 13, 1 P.M.: Run 2 Read Half Marathon, Fairmont, WV. Run in Prickett’s Fort State Park.
January 14, 9 A.M.: Frigid 5 Miler, Hampton Township. Run from North Park Lodge, post-race pancakes.
February 3, 9 A.M.: Groundhog Day 5k, Allison Park. Choice of 5k, 1-Mile Run Run/Walk or Kids Dash for ages 10 and under starts at North Park Boathouse.
February 3, 10 A.M.: Groundhog Day 4 Mile, Punxsutawney. 814-938-6362 or
February 10, 9 A.M.: 16th Annual Community Options Cupid’s Chase 5k, Butler. Run at Lake Arthur Golf Club. 724-613-8133 or
February 10, 10 A.M.: 16th Community Options Cupid’s Chase 5k, Pittsburgh. Starts near PNC Park, runs on North Shore.
February 10, 10 A.M.: You Complete Me 5k, Canfield, OH. Run at Canfield Fairgrounds, finisher’s medals for individuals and couples.
February 11, 9 A.M.: 4Ever Yours 4 Miler and 2-Person Relay, Allison Park. Valentine’s Day-themed race starts at North Park Boathouse.
February 11, 10 A.M.: Valentine Prediction Race, Erie. Distance between 4 and 6 miles. Predict your finishing time to win. No watches allowed.
Race results:
Franklin Applefest 5k, October 7: Ethan Knapp, 1st Overall M, 16:34; Bea Kolesar, 1st Overall W, 20:35; Rebekka Dinh, 1st 30-39 W, 23:07; Bill Swanik, 3rd 60-69 M, 25:43; Sophia Morgan, 3rd 15-19 W, 26:02; Nichol Zaginaylo, 3rd 40-49 W, 29:20; Valerie Sands, 2nd 70+ W, 39:06; Carole Zwigart, 3rd 70+ W, 45:43; Dillon McConnell, 20:49; Jeremy Dawson, 23:02; James Kolesar, 24:46; Thomas Foster, 25:04; John Morgan, 26:17; Cory Morgan, 26:17; Ryan Wimer, 28:38; Christine Sperdute, 29:40; Abby Cypher, 29:58; Jason Adamson, 30:41; Nathan Davis, 34:05; Robert Sands, 35:15; Sue Corbett, 37:24; Madison McGrady, 37:43; Virginia Foster, 41:43; Lisa Vargo, 54:42
HAEE 5k, October 7: Brian Canny, 1st Overall M, 19:07; Elizabeth Morris, 1st Overall W, 22:03; Tristan Albrecht, 2nd 40-49 M, 21:24; L. Barton, 1st 9-11 M, 22:57; Andrew Parker, 2nd 50-59 M, 24:59; Rebecca Parker, 1st 50-59 W, 26:50; Catherine Arvay, 2nd 30-39 W, 27:36; Bill Daugherty, 3rd 50-59 M, 29:28; Amanda McCay, 3rd 30-39 W, 30:07; Emmett Okerberg, 25:11; Seth Mihok, 25:26; Jack Petulla, 27:13; L. Arvay, 27:35; D. Dunlap, 27:57; Bill Petulla, 28:05; Henrik Taube, 28:49; Simon Troup, 29:05; C. Parker, 30:22; C. Butler, 32:34; J. Dolinger, 33:14; N. Albrecht, 34:31; L. Albrecht, 34:33; Megan Youhouse, 34:57; A. Youhouse, 35:01; G. Okerberg, 35:37; Michael Dolinger, 35:48; Terra Heffley, 35:52; Nestor Foronda, 36:07; S. Shelkey, 37:25; K. Williams, 37:25; C. Butler, 37:56
FAAP Fall Classic 20k, October 14: John Roth, 1st Overall M, 1:36:42; Matthew Sydlik, 3rd Overall M, 1:42:18; Ann Cook, 1st Overall W, 1:46:34; David Snyder, 2nd 45-49 M, 1:53:04; Zach Porter, 2nd 35-39 M, 1:57:25; Michael Wallace, 3rd 45-49 M, 2:05:22; Keith Sainiak, 1st 50-54 M, 2:09:41; Pete Lyons, 1st 55-59 M, 2:31:42; Suzette Cappola, 2nd 45-49 W, 2:33:22; Sara Porter, 1st 35-39 W, 2:58:50
FAAP Fall Classic 10k, October 14: Amy Nelson, 1st Overall W, 58:30; John Rhee, 1st Overall M, 58:31; Patricia Neubert, 1st 70+ W, 1:38:39; L. Serball, 1st 10 & Under W, 1:34:26; Tayler Bonner, 1st 25-29 W, 1:34:22; Brent Douglas Beatty, 3rd 50-54 M, 1:35:15
FAAP Fall Classic 5k, October 14: Santiago Bradbury, 1st Overall M, 18:13; Henry Buchanan, 3rd Overall M, 21:23; A. Harcar, 1st Overall W, 28:22; Kevin Cook, 1st 35-39 M, 45:04; Ann Cook, 1st 30-34 W, 45:05; Roderic Porter, 3rd 65-69 M, 53:30
Fineview Step Challenge 5 Mile, October 14: Colin Sawyer, 1st Overall M, 38:40; Michael Kawecki, 3rd Overall M, 42:15; Elita Marchetti, 1st Overall W, 47:54
Greg Shogan, 1st Overall M, 2:17:06; Valerie Christoff, 1st Overall W, 2:38:10; Edna Spang, 3rd Overall W, 2:53:48; Brett Gwynn, 2nd 20-29 M, 2:40:14; Ariana Clark, 2nd 20-29 W, 3:44:38; Lucas Ladoucer, 2:48:46; Michael Thompson, 2:55:17; Rex Brinker, 3:38:27; Colby Neubauer, 3:40:36; Logan Gwynn, 4:41:29
Buffalo Creek 5k, October 15: Maddox Rupp, 1st Overall M, 21:32; Lucas Bowser, 1st Overall M, 22:00; Andrew Cypher, 3rd Overall M, 22:39; Debbie Courtney, 1st Overall W, 26:10; Brielle Leinweber, 2nd Overall W, 29:48; Brittany Milligan, 3rd Overall W, 30:05; Camden Schrecengost, 1st 13-19 M, 24:02; Brody Beranty, 2nd 13-19 M, 24:22; Shawn Beranty, 1st 50-59 M, 24:26; Mike Reilly, 2nd 50-59 M, 27:00; Liam Breske, 3rd 13-19 M, 29:02; Diana Craig, 1st 40-49 W, 31:40; Randy Bowser, 1st 40-49 M, 36:21; Brad Blose, 1st 30-39 M, 43:30; Amy Campbell, 2nd 40-49 W, 43:52; Abby Campbell, 1st 13-19 W, 43:53; Cara Campbell, 2nd 13-19 W, 43:54
Send comments and suggestions: Patricia Neubert. Phone 724-352-4395. Email