Brew Fest in Mars expected to be bigger than ever
When it grew too popular to have as part of the annual Mars New Year celebration, organizers made Mars Brew Fest into its own separate event a few years after it began.
The ninth annual brew fest, set for Saturday, June 15, throughout Mars, is planned to feature 25 breweries, as well as members of the Butler Area Society of Homebrewers, making it the biggest Mars Brew Fest yet, according to Mars Mayor Gregg Hartung.
“Each year, we tend to add some,” Hartung said of breweries.
In his experience, the event organizers see 600 people sign up in advance and another 600 people show up at the door.
“It's usually 1,000 to 1,200 people,” he said.
While the number of brewery businesses attending the fest has increased, the homebrewers still get plenty of attention each year. Ken Scott, a member of the Butler Area Society of Homebrewers, said individuals who brew for the event usually go a little more experimental with their concoctions, which is appreciated by some.
Staying with the theme, some brewers even make drinks framed around space, Scott said.
“One year, somebody made like an Oktoberfest kind of beer, called it Marvin the Martian,” Scott said. “We get a lot of kudos for our brews, not just at Mars, but most brew fests we go to. The typical response for that is, ‘Where is your brewery?’”
Mars Brew Fest takes place on the streets of Mars, which will be closed to vehicular traffic while the event is in motion. In addition to breweries, there will also be food trucks and live music at the fest. Scott said the event is meant only for people over the age of 21.
A list of breweries participating in Mars Brew Fest can be found on the event’s website, Tickets can also be purchased online until Friday, but they are also available in person at the event.
Admission grants access to samples from all the breweries posted at the event, and visitors also get a commemorative cup, Scott said.
Hartung said he anticipates a good turnout for the festival.
“This will be the largest brew fest since we started,” Hartung said. “That's what really puts the icing on the cake is good weather.”
Hours are from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, and the entrance to the event is on Grand Avenue in Mars.