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Telemedicine bill will improve health

We learned in the Friday, June 28, edition of the Butler Eagle that a bill to ensure telemedicine services are covered by insurance is headed to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s desk.

The bill, introduced by state Sen. Elder Vogel, R-47th, requires all insurance companies, as well as state medical assistance programs like Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, to cover virtual doctor visits.

In a 2022 memo announcing he would introduce the bill, Vogel urged his state Senate colleagues to support his effort.

“Telemedicine is a significant component of health care that saw rapid growth and heavy usage during the COVID-19 pandemic across the commonwealth,” he wrote. “With the use of telemedicine, specialists and other health care providers can expand their reach to patients. This would allow medical services to be provided to some of the most vulnerable Pennsylvanians who otherwise would not be able to receive these services due to various circumstances.”

As Vogel noted, the COVID-19 pandemic brought telemedicine services to more people than ever. Doctors and patients both benefited from being able to interact when in-person visits were potentially dangerous.

But there are more benefits than just the safety during a pandemic. As people who live in rural areas know too well, it can be difficult or even impossible to see specialized health care providers because of distance and very high demand.

Telemedicine helps to solve both of those issues by allowing doctors and patients to interact even when they can’t be in the same room.

Most insurance companies already cover telemedicine services, but Vogel’s bill offers patients much-needed assurance that they’ll be able to get the services they need in the way best suited for them.

We urge Shapiro to sign the bill and guarantee health care access to those who rely on telemedicine.

— JK

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