Never too late to pause consumption of harmful substances
For those who may have missed out on the beginning of Dry January, there is plenty of time left in the year to take a break from potentially harmful substances.
There are many reasons a monthlong pause on substances such as alcohol, caffeine or tobacco can be a life-changing experience, says Dr. C. Thomas Brophy, who serves as medical director of the Ellen O’Brien Gaiser Center in Butler.
He asserts that one of the primary reasons is the mindfulness it can provide to people who could be unaware that a problem has developed at all.
“If nothing else, it at least allows for an honest self assessment, looking at how much am I consuming and how is that consuming affecting my physical health,” he said. “Really, the point is to get to the ‘why.’ For other people, it’s more of just an acknowledgment and something that can be revealing.”
Taking a break can be a challenge for some, but Brophy says one tip that could lead to success is teaming up with one or more people who are attempting to overcome similar obstacles.
“Having an accountability partner is a big part of it,” Brophy said. “That’s true for all aspects of recovery, but particularly when you’re trying to do something short-term. It’s the same reason an accountability partner works when you’re going to the gym and you want to make that your New Year’s resolution. You’re more likely to make excuses and let your guard down if it’s just you.”
Another suggestion is to avoid places that can be a trigger for ongoing bad habits.
“You don’t want to go to a bar on Friday nights thinking you’re just going to drink soda or water,” Brophy added. “Just being around it is more likely going to lead to you picking it up. Making some changes and avoiding problematic people, places and things can be beneficial.”
There can be significant health benefits. A University of Sussex study reported that 70% of people who participated in the Dry January challenge said they had generally improved health and 67% experienced more energy.
It’s another crucial factor for why medical professionals like Brophy would recommend a hiatus at any point in one’s life.
“The month doesn’t matter,” he said. “It’s all on the commitment and the timeline.”