American Legion replacing veteran tribute banners in Butler
If Butler’s Main Street seems like it’s been missing something lately, that’s because it is.
American Legion Post 117 has recently taken down hundreds of worn-out tribute banners for military veterans with the intent of replacing them with brand-new ones.
The Legion’s banner tribute program began in 2016 and led to the production of 473 banners scattered throughout the city of Butler, each paying tribute to a local veteran of the armed forces. These include veterans of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, National Guard, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine.
Just like old American flags, these banners eventually become tattered, worn and unfit for public use. Eventually, they needed to be replaced. The process of taking down the old banners took place during November and December.
The banner replacement program opened at the start of February. Dean Noechel, adjutant for Post 117, said the program will first be open to those who originally ordered veteran tribute banners from 2016 onward and will be available to new applicants at the beginning of March.
“We’re in the process of replacing (banners) if the family members, or the people that had the banners in the past, would like their banner replaced,” Noechel said.
Noechel said the Legion is aiming to get all of the replacement banners up prior to Memorial Day. Furthermore, the Legion is prioritizing putting all of its new banners on Main Street first, as the city has acquired new light poles with banner brackets.
“When we run out of space on Main Street, then we will scatter them throughout town,” Noechel said.
As of Monday, Feb. 3, Noechel said Post 117 already has taken 35 orders for replacement banners.
Those who are looking to have a replacement banner installed can fill out the necessary form at, write a check for $110 made out to American Legion Post 117 Military Banner Tribute Program, and drop it off at Post 117 on South Main Street in Butler.
For banners paying tribute to veterans who were either killed or are missing in action, the $110 cost will be waived.