Dyngus Day Dash returns April 26
The fifth annual Dyngus Day Dash 5K Walk and Run takes place April 26 at North Park in Allison Park.
The Chardon Polka Band from Cleveland will provide music, mascots will be available for photos including Pierogi Pete, Evie Eagle and AMO, the Pittsburgh Riverhounds mascot.
In celebration of the fifth anniversary of the race, every participant will leave with a commemorative medal and T-shirt designed by a local artist. Runners also get to feast on homemade pierogi provided by Pierogis Plus after crossing the finish line.
Visit the new race website, dyngusdash.com, and register for the event at bit.ly/RegisterDyngusDash2025. Proceeds support scholarship and cultural programs.
For questions, contact Michele Mrozek at mmrozek@frpark.com.