ADAMS TWP — Township supervisors gave the final go-ahead to Mars Area Elementary School’s planned building expansion during their meeting on Monday night.
The planned expansion, which is estimated to cost around $24 million, includes a three-story addition to the main school building on Route 228, as well as modifications to the school parking lot.
Despite the name of the school and the district, the elementary school is in Adams Township, not Mars.
The expansion of the elementary school — which will add 30 classrooms and a new dining area to the building — is meant to address rapidly growing enrollment in the district.
One concern brought up by a township resident was the possibility that children could potentially fall down the 2-foot slope that would surround the newly expanded parking lot. The elementary school is bordered by the Mars Home for Youth, an agency which serves abused, neglected, troubled and disabled youth.
“The slope is right along the property line,” said township manager Gary Peaco. “We’re only talking 2 feet, but again, it’s a safety issue.”
The concerned resident suggested that the school either reduce the steepness of the slope from 1:2 to 1:3, or put up a fence to reduce the risk of children injuring themselves.
According to Peaco, representatives from the school have agreed to have a conversation with the Mars Home for Youth about the slope issue.
Speaking on behalf of the district was Lauren Parker, vice president of Civil & Environmental Consultants. During her presentation, Parker said that the school district is hoping to award the contract for the elementary school expansion project in May and begin construction shortly after the end of the school year in June.