Adams Twp. extends burning ban indefinitely
ADAMS TWP — Supervisors Monday night, March 24, voted to extend a temporary ban on burning which initially was put in place on March 12.
Township manager Gary Peaco said there is no set end date to the burn ban.
The last two weeks in Butler County have been marked by numerous brush fires, which have drawn the attention of the county’s mostly volunteer fire departments. One such brush fire in Clay Township on March 10, took out at least 3 acres of woodlands and led to the shutdown of the Canadian National Railway, which had a section of track near the site of the fire.
“We typically have a problem due to a lot of dry, dead vegetation; and you get windy, low-humidity days,” Peaco said. “And people want to burn because they want to clean up in the springtime.”
Peaco says the burn ban could last between a week or a month depending on weather conditions.