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Neubert: Free shorts at North Park Short Run among spring running schedule’s highlights

This week’s calendar features a “so-called” short run. There’s also a long run with free shorts.

The 25th Annual Sean T. Smith Memorial Just a Short Run returns to North Park on Saturday with short runs of 5K and 8.1 miles and long runs of half marathon and 30K.

There are commemorative shorts for 8.1 mile, half marathon and 30K participants. All 5K runners receive a long-sleeved commemorative tech T-shirt. Everyone receives a pair of Just a Short Run socks, and finishers earn a custom-designed finisher medal.

Just a Short Run has been a popular choice for runners coming out of hibernation and beginners resolving to develop a running habit to try the 5K or 8.1-mile distance. The half marathon and 30K are also great fitness trial s or long run s for anyone training for Pittsburgh Marathon events May 4.

Just a Short Run began in 2001 as a tribute to Sean T. Smith, brother of runner and race director Kevin Smith. Sean died from leukemia in 1995, and the race has served as a memorial and fundraiser for organizations that fight leukemia and other blood-born cancers.

In its 25 years, Just a Short Run has helped raise tens of thousands of dollars for local charities. This year, the run benefits Cancer Bridges, a Pittsburgh-based organization that supports people impacted by cancer by providing a variety of free programs and services.

Cancer Bridges helps those diagnosed with cancer, family, friends and caregivers, survivors and bereaved. It provides social, emotional and informational tools at no cost. As of Tuesday, Just a Short Run has raised more than $8,000 for this charity. For more information, to donate or volunteer, visit

Race director Matt Imhof expects nearly 900 runners in this year’s event, the highest in post-COVID participation. He stressed arriving early and suggested carpooling as parking is limited at the start. There will be a bag drop for post-race necessities.

Runners in the 30K start at 8:30 a.m. in the boathouse parking lot and exit onto Pearce Mill Road. All other runners start at 8:35 a.m. in the tennis court area to merge with the 30Ks at the intersection of Pearce Mill and Walter Roads. All runners proceed to the highest point on the course, make a loop around the skating rink and head to the 5K finish at the boathouse. Those in the longer distances continue consecutive 5-mile loops around scenic North Park Lake to their eventual finish.

The course will be open and Lake Shore Drive closed to traffic for four hours. That means half marathon runners must average at least 18:18-minute pace and 30K runners should plan for faster than that, a 12:55-minute pace. Pacing groups are available for nine half marathon finishing goals from 1 hour, 40 minutes to 2: 30. Pacers in 30K will run at 8:30, 10 and 11 minutes-per-mile pace. Email with any pacing questions.

As with other GCXC-timed races, strollers are welcome but should start in the back of the pack on either side of the road for safety. Dogs, however, are not permitted. If you need to bring a service dog, please contact race organizers prior to race day.

Just a Short Run offers awards for top three male and female finishers and first masters finishers in every distance. Age group awards include top three in 19-and-under through age 70-plus. In keeping with USATF guidelines, overall winning times will be gun times while all other awards will be chip-timed results.

Post-race refreshments include the usual fruit, snacks and beverages. There will also be food trucks.

There’s no day-of-event registration for Just a Short Run, but online signups are open until Friday evening. If you’re not running, consider volunteering for this run for a good cause at the same website: AllisonPark/JASR

Upcoming events

Saturday, 8:30 a.m.: Just a Short Run, Allison Park. Choice of 5K, 8.1 Mile, Half Marathon or 30K starting at North Park Boathouse.

Sunday, 10:30 a.m.: Sweat Bar Fitness Withrow Memorial 5K and 1 Mile Family Fun Walk, Oakdale. Out-and-back run on Panhandle Trail starting at Helicon Brewing.

April 5, 8 a.m.: Eagleton Trail Race 10K/25K/50K, Lock Haven. Loop course on singletrack Eagleton Trail.

April 5, 10 a.m.: Fool’s Run 5K and 10K, Black Lick. Run on Ghost Town Rail Trail at Saylor Park. 814-749-8556 or

April 12, 10 a.m.: Butler’s Best Buddies Easter Egg Dash 5K, Bunny Hop 1 Mile and Kids Easter Egg Hunt, Butler. Staged at Butler Senior High School’s Art Bernardi Stadium.

April 12, 9 a.m.: Boston Trail 1/2 Marathon and 5K Run/Walk, Elizabeth Township. Run on Yough River Trail. 412-780-7802 or

April 12, 9 a.m.: Dirty Kiln Trail Races, Hollidaysburg. Challenging half marathon and 10K on Canoe Creek State Park trails.

April 12, 10 a.m.: Helicon Brewing Food Truck 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk, Oakdale. Flat, out and back on Panhandle Trail.

April 19, 8 a.m.: Tapped for Sap 25K Trail Race, Beaver Falls. Run on single-track trails in Brady’s Run Park. Post-race breakfast.

April 19, 10 a.m.: MKG Half Marathon, Sandy Lake. Race No. 3 in MCTA 26.2 Series. Paved half marathon around Lake Wilhelm in Maurice K. Goddard State Park. 724-301-6775 or

April 26, 8 a.m.: On the Dam Trail – Quemahoning Relay Races, Hooversville. Choice of 50K 4-Person Relay, 50K or 30K solo runs.

April 26, 9 a.m.: Dyngus Day Dash 5k, Allison Park. Starts at North Park Boathouse. Prizes, pierogies and polka. 412-327-6074 or

April 27, 9 a.m.: Earth Day 5K, Wexford.

May 2-4: Dick’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon, Pittsburgh. Variety of options from 40-yard Toddler Trot and 1-Mile Pet Walk to Marathon.

May 11, 9 a.m.: Butler’s Back the Blue 5K, Butler. Also 2-Mile Walk starting at Alameda Park’s carousel pavilion.

Race results

Harmony Silvester 5K, Dec. 31: Zach Leachman, 1st Overall M, 14:16; Alex Young, 2nd Overall M, 15:47; Ben Capozzi, 3rd Overall M, 16:32; Emma MacDonald, 1st Overall W, 19:14; Riley Mcgee, 3rd 15-19 M, 16:59; Joe Floris, 1st 40-44 M, 17:48; Andrew Drozynski, 1st 20-24 M, 19:07; Michael Baxa, Jr., 3rd 25-29 M, 19:14; Camden Shaefer, 2nd 11-14 M, 19:22; Elijah Gretz, 3rd 11-14 M, 19:58; Matt Marshall, 1st 55-59 M, 22:16; Matthew Shaefer, 2nd 45-49 M, 21:22; Kim Platt, 1st 45-49 W, 22:20; Maya Keffalas, 1st 11-14 W, 22:41; Gerry Riazzi, 3rd 60-64 M, 23:26; Val Mcgee, 3rd 45-49 W, 24:28; Brett Nesbitt, 3rd 30-34 M, 24:28; Lauren Ottaviani, 1st 25-29 W, 24:31; Pim Verhulst, 1st 35-39 M, 24:32; D. Chiapusio, 3rd 10 & Under M, 24:50; Vanessa Johnson, 2nd 35-39 W, 24:59; Michelle Crissman, 2nd 25-29 W, 25:22; Ted Zablocki, 3rd 55-59 M, 25:27; Grace Bogacz, 3rd 15-19 W, 25:34; Bernadette Lewis, 1st 50-54 W, 25:52; S. Rushlander, 1st 10 & Under W, 25:56; Evan Tomasic, 3rd 20-24 M, 26:12; Emily Keir, 1st 20-24 W, 26:13; Andrew Menchyk, 3rd 50-54 M, 26:32; Megan Sauers, 1st 30-34 W, 26:51; L. Mowrey, 2nd 11-14 W, 26:53; Anna Wishart, 3rd 11-14 W, 27:24; Jinny Hertweck, 3rd 50-54 W, 27:43; C. Shaefer, 2nd 10 & Under W, 28:12; James Gascoine, 2nd 65-69 M, 28:44; Morgan Smith, 3rd 20-24 W, 30:22; Katie Jamison, 1st 65-69 W, 32:43; Cindy Waltemire, 2nd 65-69 W, 33:03; Charles Morse, 2nd 70-74 M, 36:19; Terry Melis, 3rd 70-74 M, 38:00; Robert Sands, 1st 80+ M, 37:36; Valerie Sands, 1st 80+ W, 43:31; Faith Nicholson, 1st 70-74 W, 49:13; Joan Mayer, 2nd 70-74 W, 55:23; Phillip Silvis, 18:01; Cameron Cramer, 20:17; Jack Kelley, 20:39; Justin Sellinger, 20:41; Colton Winslow, 20:53; Ryan Purvis, 21:21; Matthew Sydlik, 22:09; Ryan Rebholz, 22:46; A. Sellinger, 22:54; Ryan Stelitano, 23:11; C. Rauschenberger, 23:28; Carter Mcgee, 23:50; Jessica Greco, 23:55; Caleb Rauscher, 23:59; Donald Yost, 24:02; Tyler Sienkiewicz, 24:33; Mike Zucatti, 25:17; Lindsey Monahan, 25:45; Jen Beachem, 25:49; Sarah Walsh, 25:55; Caitlin Rushlander, 25:55; Shannon Wishart, 25:56; Bella Morales, 25:56; Robyn Brewer, 25:59; Mitch Radella, 26:11; Pete Turner, 26:50; Jack Lewis, 27:01; Michelle Zuchatti, 27:06; Zachary Boda, 27:14; Emily Mowery, 27:19; J. Ponteous, 27:42; Glenn Sharrar, 27:51; Dave Shaffer, 28:17; Tricia Schaefer, 28:25; Michael Botyrius, 28:28; Ella Marley, 28:32; Alahna Outrakis, 28:33; Robert Monahan, 29:01; B. Drane, 29:03; E. Drane, 29:10; E. Drane, 29:10; Z. Ashead, 29:10; Amanda Presto, 29:39; Nellie Zuba, 29:42; Chris Robinson, 29:45; Mark Cypher, 29:46; Rick Bowers, 29:51; Elanda Batykefer, 29:54; Cael Waltemire, 29:54; P. Schley, 30:11; Olivia Rupert, 30:24; Justin Gaydos, 30:25; David Murray, 30:53; Lori Boyle, 30:59; Brett Boyle, 31:05; Ashlynn Wagner, 31:06; Grace Connors, 31:16; Franklin Bame, 31:23; L. Schley, 31:42; Nicole Otto, 31:44; Matthew Otto, 31:44; Scott Johnston, 31:45; Michelle Burgess, 31:49; V. Ferrari, 31:52; Ricardo Ferrari, 31:59; Tasha Ponteous, 32:02; Alexis Menchyk, 32:20; Paul Johnson, 32:22; Julia Murray, 32:22; Amanda Hardt, 32:49; Jamie Wheale, 32:49; Laura Augstine, 32:56; Melissa Jungling, 32:59; Michael Kriess, 33:15; Frank Walowen, 33:32; Christine Hodges, 33:41; Stephen Hodges, 33:43; Lori Haughey, 33:52; Jim Haughey, 33:52; David King, 33:55; Lauren Johnston, 34:02; Chuck Houser, 34:06; David Adams, 34:12; Robin Trinko, 34:28; Braedan Drane, 34:29; M. Sharrar, 35:12; J. Schley, 35:39; M. Schley, 35:49; Heather Moser, 36:01; Jeff Byko, 36:03; Kathy Mattern, 36:07; Andrew Mauer, 36:21; Sean Connors, 36:25; Michael Baxa, Sr., 36:28; Beth Ann Skinner, 37:45; Richard Becker, 37:58; Cheryl Foy, 38:14; Michelle Pekich, 38:24; Molly McPeak, 38:26; William King, 38:50; Carol English, 38:51; John Ristey, 39:29; Sue Ann Jones, 39:46; Frederick King, 39:54; David Wagner, 40:00; Deborah Takacs, 40:11; Virginia Morlino, 40:44; Eric Batykefer, 42:02; Logan McPeak, 42:33; Keith Keir, 43:32; Haley Watkins, 44:20; Sarah Drane, 44:21; Tom Vrabely, 45:26; Vince Burgess, 45:29; Gabrielle English, 45:41; Robert Cottington, 46:44; LuAnn Cottington, 46:44; Marilyn King, 48:14; Valerie Shaffer, 48:21; Dawn Cox, 48:40; George King, 48:45; Rachel King, 48:46; Rose Donnelly, 49:18; Kara Mostowy, 50:15; Brendan Perry, 53:33; Rachel Gallagher, 53:34; Dana Stelitano, 54:23; Amy Gloeckner, 55:17; Joan Mayer, 55:23; Christina White, 59:18

Pat Neubert is a running columnist for the Butler Eagle. Send comments and suggestions: Patricia Neubert, phone 724-352-4395, email

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