Valencia borough narrows consultant proposals for financial recovery
VALENCIA — A plan to help stabilize borough finances advanced Wednesday as council members narrowed their choice of consultant proposals for recovery.
The actions were taken as part of the borough's quest to take advantage of the Pennsylvania Early Intervention Program through the Department of Community and Economic Development.
The program provides matching grant funds to aid struggling municipalities in developing financial plans and establishing goals. Municipalities that qualify can receive up to $200,000 for 50 percent of the program's total cost.
The current $125,894 budget took $39,483 from the borough's savings to cover increased costs of fire and police protection, new stormwater management regulations, mandated 911 radio upgrades and recurring engineering costs. It also took an additional $20,000 from savings to fund efforts through the program.
The borough submitted its request for proposals seeking consultants to gather and analyze data to create a five-year financial forecast earlier this year.
This is an excerpt — pick up Sunday's Butler Eagle or subscribe online to read more about Valencia's finances.