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John Enrietto: Hometown pride goes long way

Senior Grant Byers, center, cheers with the Butler High School student section at the start of the football game against Shaler at Art Bernardi Stadium on Friday in Butler Township. Joseph Ressler/Butler Eagle 8/26/22

Something was missing this past spring.

The annual Butler County Sports Hall of Fame banquet.

Since 1966, Butler County athletes, coaches, administrators and supporters have been inducted into this organization. The banquet would take place every April.

This year’s banquet has been moved to Sept. 24, when 12 more individuals — and the 1953 Chicora basketball team — will be inducted. That will bring the total to more than 400 individuals and 11 teams encompassing this organization’s history.

For 56 years, this banquet has been going strong. Jim Lokhaiser was master of ceremonies for 50 of thse. Bob Cupp does a tremendous job running the show now.

Former longtime Eagle sports editor Mike Surkalo was in on the formation of this Hall of Fame, which began because the community wanted a way to recognize and honor Butler resident Ed Vargo for his major league umpiring career.

Why bring this up now?

Because this Hall of Fame — coupled with the Butler Football Hometown Hero recognition of retired U.S. Marie Major General Peter Talleri Friday night at Art Bernardi Stadium — helps remind me of how much pride exists in this town.

Talleri has received virtually every military award imaginable, yet treats this Hometown Hero honor with such reverence because, well, it’s from his hometown.

He said point-blank, this is the most special award he’s ever received “because it’s home.”

The Butler Football Hometown Hero organization has honored more than 60 individuals and the 1963 Golden Tornado squad through the years.

I am in the process of contacting each of the inductees into the county HOF this year, offering congratulations and giving them a platform in which to review their careers and express their thoughts.

Bob McClure grew up in Butler, left the area uin the 1960’s to pursue a teaching career, ultimately winding up a successful high school baseball coach and a Major League Baseball scout for decades. He belongs to a few Halls of Fame already.

Like Talleri, McClure said his hometown induction is more meaningful than the others because people remember here. People he grew up with haven’t forgotten him.

Longtime amateur golfer Ray Weiland died early last year. He is among the County HOF inductees and his wife, Patty, will accept on his behalf. She said Ray never deemed himself worthy of such an honor.

His hometown thinks otherwise.

Kudos to Butler Football Hometown Hero committee members Kevin and Joni Vogel, Ralph McElhaney, Sue Christy and other supporters, to Lokhaiser, Cupp, Dan Cunningham and other longtime supporters of the county HOF.

These organizations document history and celebrate achievement — right here at home.

And home is where the heart is.

John Enrietto is sports editor of the Butler Eagle

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