Rent The Chicken business taking wing
SOUTH BUFFALO TWP, Armstrong County — Nine years ago Phil and Jenn Tompkins hatched a home business that Jenn could run when her job in academia ended.
Today, the chickens have literally come home to roost as their business, Rent The Chicken, and its offshoots keep both Tompkins busy full time.
Rent The Chicken provides customers with two to four egg-laying hens, a coop, food dish, water dish and food for a five-to-six-month rental. Also included is a copy of the book “Fresh Eggs Daily” by Lisa Steele to help chicken renters tend their flock.
The Tompkins plan to show off Rent The Chicken during the Pittsburgh Home and Garden Show March 3 through 12 at the Pittsburgh Convention Center. They can be reached at their website,