Results: Quarters 4, Copper 0; Dimes 4, Gold 0; Nickels 3, Dollars 1; Pennies 2, Silver 2
High women’s game and series-Becky DeVore 241-587
Belmont Wednesday Nights
Standings: Dead Wood 26-9, Jerich Faucet Parts 23-12, Rockets 23-12, Savages 22-13, Kingpins 20-15, Fearsome Foursome 20-15, Two Drunk 2 Bowl 19-16, Don’t Give A Split 14-21, Mickey & the Ultras 14-21, Gutter Trash 14-21, Livin’ On A Spare 10-25, The Foursome Be With You 5-30
High men’s series-Bill Jerich 720
High men’s game-Trent Slater 266
High women’s game and series-Autumn Taylor 226-628
Jolly Girls
Standings: Blue 11-5, Orange 11-5, Green 10-6, Pink 8-8, Purple 7-9, Red 6-10, Brown 6-10, Yellow 5-11
High women’s game and series-Melissa Sowijski 232-520
High team series-Blue 1,781
High team game-Green 656
Standings: Bass 9-3, Half 7-5, Flat 5-7, Sour 3-9
High women’s game and series-Marci Gladd 182-494
High team game and series-Bass 482-1,289