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Neubert: How to watch for and avoid heat-related illness while exercising in summer

A cyclist makes her way down the Butler Freeport Trail in Cabot on Wednesday, July 5, 2023. Eagle file photo

Butler Freeport Trail is one of my favorite summer exercise destinations. The crushed gravel is easy on the legs, and the dappled shade offers relief from the oppressive heat and humidity of July.

I bike along, enjoying the breeze as I listen to a podcast or the many birds calling from tall trees along Buffalo Creek. Sometimes I’ll people-watch as the trail is popular with everyone from marathon trainers to families on bikes, dog-walkers and walkers using walkers.

But in the past two trail trips, I’ve also encountered people suffering from heat-related symptoms. Although two of the heat sufferers were seniors (like me), heat can affect anyone of any age or fitness level.

Anytime we use our muscles, 80% of the energy generated is in the form of heat. That keeps us cozy on blustery winter runs, but getting rid of excess heat is crucial to safe summer exercise.

The body cools itself by sweating. Sweating is unique to each individual, but seniors and young children are more likely to show reduced sweat levels, making them more susceptible to heat stress. Overall, women and men of smaller stature are less likely to experience heat-related symptoms since their skin area to body mass ratio is higher.

It takes one to two weeks of gradually introducing exercise sessions in the heat to acclimatize. In that time, the body becomes more efficient at sweat production. Be sure to increase your intake of water and electrolyte drinks to replace fluids lost to sweat and wear light-colored moisture-wicking fabrics to help transfer sweat to the air.

Within those first weeks of hot weather exercise, the body also adapts by increasing blood plasma volume. That makes it easier to supply increased blood flow to capillaries in the skin for cooling and to muscles to keep you moving.

Once you’re acclimated to heat, you’ll start to sweat earlier in the workout in anticipation of heat build-up. Sweat becomes less salty as the body conserves sodium. And heart rate slows slightly, resulting in a more comfortable or faster pace.

Try cooling from the outside. Wear a hat with ice inside or take a cooling towel soaked with cold water with you. If you run in a park, stop at available fountains. Take a drink and soak yourself.

Preparation is key to preventing heat-related symptoms, but no one is completely safe. If you suffer from a medical condition or take medications, talk to your doctor.

Before you venture out, check the weather forecast, including extreme heat warnings and ozone action days. Visit National Weather Service’s Heat Index at index. When reading the chart, remember temperatures are measured in a shady location. Direct sun may be 15 degrees hotter.

Whether you walk, run or ride, pay attention to symptoms of heat stress such as muscle cramps, excessive sweating, dizziness or headache, nausea or vision problems. Stop exercising immediately and get out of the heat. Alert someone of your location and symptoms before you become disoriented or confused.

Lower your body temperature with a cool shower or ice packs if possible. Drink fluids. If you’re not better in 20 minutes, seek emergency medical care.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, 9 a.m.: O’Neal Memorial Cherry Festival 5K, North East. Post-race ice cream sundaes and raffle prizes. Benefits Northeast High School Scholarship Fund.

Sunday, 10 a.m.: Sewickley Sundae 5K and 1-Mile Fun Run/Walk, Sewickley. Fabulous Foam Finish and post-race build-your-own sundaes.

July 24, 7 p.m.: Fredonia 5K, Fredonia. Race No. 3 of Mercer County QUAD series. Also half-mile kids run. 724-866-1374 or

July 24, 8:45 p.m.: Firefly Two Miler, Butler. Run/walk at Butler Farm Show Grounds.

July 26, 7 p.m.: All Saints Parish Twilight 5K and 1-Mile Fun Run, Butler. 724-355-4038 or

July 27, 7:30 a.m.: Two Face 10, Wexford. Choice of road, trail or both in North Park.

July 27, 8:30 a.m.: 20th Annual Rube’s Run 5K, Prospect. Run past boyhood home of baseball Hall of Famer Rube Waddell. 724-841-4306 or

July 27, 9 a.m.: John Cossy Costantino Memorial 5K & 10K, Freeport. Run through Freeport streets, finish on James Swartz Memorial Field.

July 27, 9 a.m.: Killian 5K, Allison Park. Starts at North Park Boat House. Post-race party.

July 27, 7 p.m.—July 28, 8 a.m.: Kinzua Half Marathon & 5K, Mount Jewett. Run 5K on Saturday, half marathon on Sunday or both at scenic Kinzua Bridge State Park.

July 28, 8 a.m.: Heartbeat 5K, Zelienople. Benefits American Heart Association.

July 28, 8 a.m.: Run with the Deer Flies 15K & 25K Trail Runs, Penn Run. Challenging trails surrounding Yellow Creek State Park. 724-422-5323 or

August 3, 8 a.m.: Canoe Creek Triathlon, Duathlon, 5K Run or 2-Mile Walk, Hollidaysburg. Held at Canoe Creek State Park.

August 3, 8:30 a.m.: Moraine Regatta 5K, Portersville. Trail run/walk on Moraine State Park’s Sunken Garden Trail.

August 3, 9 a.m.: St. Barnabas Free Care 5K, Gibsonia. 724-625-3770 or

August 3, 9 a.m.: Karns City Cross Country’s 9th Annual Gremlin Gallop 5K Run/Walk, East Brady. Run on Armstrong Rail Trail.

August 10, 9 a.m.: Brookline Breeze 5K Run and Fitness Walk, Pittsburgh. Also kids’ 1-Mile Mini Breeze and 1-Mile Dog Walk at 8:30 a.m.

August 10, 9 a.m.: Prospect Boys and Girls Club Breakaway 5K, Butler. Also free kids race for ages 10 and under.

August 10, 6 p.m.: Talbot Shuffle 1600-meter and 3200, Allison Park. Run heats of 1600 meters, 3200 meters or both on Hampton Track.

August 11, 9 a.m.: Kinzua Bridge Challenge, Mount Jewett. Choice of 10K, 5K, 11-Mile or 2-Mile Walk on Mt. Jewett to Kinzua Bridge Rail Trail.

Race Results

Glacier Ridge 20 Mile Trail Race, May 11: Makenzie O'Connor, 1st Overall W, 3:21:03; Andrew Harmon, 1st Overall M, 3:23:29; Mike Stimac, 3:34:40; Adrienne Harmon, 3:40:38; Morgan Kiebler, 3:41:07; Morgan Siebka, 3:49:10; Cole Buser, 4:14:47; Michael Zucatti, 4:37:15; Val McGee, 4:49:42; Anna Maharg, 4:56:27; Avery Sauer, 4:56:27; Jamie Humphrey, 5:13:22; Jonathan Kline, 5:26:49; Chris Nakis, 5:34:47; Kristin Kelly, 5:35:17; Amanda Krise, 5:54:42; Jacob Dufford, 6:03:02; Darryl Brandon, 6:06:06; Emily Kline, 6:17:50; Bill Updegrove, 7:00:30; Bee Barkley, 7:38:43; Lily Murray, 7:38:45; Trudy Neff, 7:55:46; Christine Holt, 7:58:06

Mighty Moraine Olympic Distance Triathlon: Benjamin Capozzi, 1st Overall M, 1:51:58; Maddie Gagnon, 1st Overall W, 2:15:17; Emma MacDonald, 2nd Overall W, 2:24:38; Ray Reinheimer, 1st 35-39 M, 2:09:19; Corinne Reed, 1st 20-24 W, 2:28:23; Jeremy Cypher, 1st 45-49 M, 2:42:01; Gustavo Vilas-Boas, 1st 20-24 M, 2:42:37; Brianna Rice, 2nd 30-34 W, 2:51:38; Canessa Johnson, 2nd 35-39 W, 2:58:05; Robert Wheatall, 2nd 65-69 M, 3:25:37; Marc Williams, 2:27:55; Wesly Rice, 2:29:57; Hayden Gerhart, 2:36:13; Donald Splitstone, 2:39:10; Andrew Wirz, 2:42:52; Rebecca Colano, 3:18:08; Brandon Colaberardino, 3:19:54; Thiage Vilas-Boas, 3:20:18; Mark Fye, 3:22:31

Mighty Moraine Sprint Triathlon: John Delbalso, 1st Overall M, 1:04:23; Teagan Yurocko, 1st Overall W, 1:10:56; Ray Reinheimer, 35-39 M, 1:05:36; Matt Bova, 1st 40-44 M, 1:08:13; Zachary Baker, 2nd 2-24 M, 1:13:43; Nicholas Hamilton, 2nd 30-34 M, 1:15:38; Alex Smith, 2nd 15-19 M, 1:24:43; Vanessa Johnson, 2nd 35-39 W, 1:27:20; Lisa Myers, 2nd 60-64 W, 1:37:21; Hayden Gerhart, 1:17:50; Doug Joseph, 1:35:45; Benjamin Sepe, 1:38:16; Ken Scullion, 1:44:08; Katee Coleman, 1:45:41; Thomas Lynch, 2:01:21; Richard Coleman, 2:02:26

Mighty Moraine Super Sprint Triathlon: Zachary Sharara, 1st Overall M, Brielle Emler, 1st Overall W, 39:10; Ella Butterfield, 1st 15-19 W, 42:34; Andrew Barkus, 1st 40-44 M, 51:03; Jennifer Hindman, 1st 40-44 W, 1:00:23; Mike Reely, 2nd 70+ M, 1:05:10; Robert Price, 1st 55-59 M, 1:15:33; MaryBeth Cavanaugh, 1st 45-49 W, 1:18:45; Jordan Eckenrode, 37:55; Ian Maloney, 38:08;

Mighty Moraine Olympic Aqua Bike: Nicholas Hamilton, 1st Overall M, 1:39:59; Alaina Hicks, 1st Overall W, 1:40:05

Mighty Moraine Sprint Duathlon: Christine Filer, 1st Overall W, 1:18:14; Eric Staul, 1st Overall M, 1:34:53

Mighty Moraine Sprint Adventure Race: Erick Roskos, 1st Overall M, 1:35:54; Joni Keltz, 1st Overall W, 2:07:41; Greg Faulconbridge, 1st 35-39 M, 1:55:28; Kristen Schools, 1st 25-29 W, 2:17:43

Patti Nelson 5k, May 18: Cody Redmond, 11st Overall M, 19:14; Gwendolyn Sudak, 1st Overall W, 21:57; Nicholas Romeo, 2nd Overall M, 23:43; Jeff Smith, 3rd Overall M, 23:48; Gina Redmond, 1st Overall W, 25:46; Craig Huba, 1st 40-49 M, 24:27; Andrew Gengler, 2nd 30-39 M, 25:56; Eric Evanko, 3rd 40-49 M, 27:57; Mitch Radella, 1st 50-59 M, 28:55; Rachel Pfennigwerth, 1st 30-39 W, 29:59; Lauren Pfennigwerth, 2nd 30-39 W, 30:09; Steven Day, 1st 60-69 M, 31:52; Ashley Gengler, 3rd 30-39 W, 32:21; Sherrie Mazurek, 1st 60-69 W, 33:53; Meegan Looper, 1st 15-19 W, 33:53; Laura Augustine, 1st 50-59 W, 34:45; Lindsey Kelley, 3rd 40-49 W, 35:02; Liam Dunkle, 1st 14 & Under M, 35:11; Karen Walzer, 3rd 50-59 W, 38:07; Patti Day, 2nd 60-69 W, 40:25; Laura Benninger, 3rd 60-69 W, 40:26; Rich Sharrer, 2nd 50-59 M, 42:34; Edward Tassey, 2nd 60-69 M, 51:02; Brooke Bachman, 2nd 14 & Under W, 52:29; Bailey Bachman, 3rd 14 & Under W, 1:07:22; Emily Zeller, 32:28; Justin Zeller, 32:29; Justin Page, 33:47; Sarah Lynch, 35:09; Kirt Jones, 38:28; Frances Stein, 44:46; Kory Jones, 48:38; Erik Jones, 50:57; Susan Tassey, 51:02; Sue Ann Jones, 51:53; Cheryl Bachman, 1:07:23

Pat Neubert is a running columnist for the Butler Eagle. Send comments and suggestions: Patricia Neubert, phone 724-352-4395, email

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