Senior Center Menus
Senior centers at Butler, Chicora, Cranberry Township, Evans City, Mars, Slippery Rock, Mount Chestnut and Winfield Township will serve the following menus this week.
Lunch is served at noon. A grab-and-go option is available. Reservations must be made 48 hours in advance. Call 724-282-3008, ext. 6.
MONDAY — Mount Chestnut, Cranberry Township: Swiss steak with onion gravy, whipped potatoes, diced carrots, wheat bread, blushed pears
TUESDAY — Evans City, Slippery Rock, Butler, Cranberry Township: Creamy vegetable lasagna, tossed salad, garlic breadstick, cottage cheese and peaches
WEDNESDAY — Chicora, Butler, Cranberry Township: Creamy garlic chicken breast, buttered noodles, roasted Brussels sprouts, Mandarin oranges
THURSDAY — Evans City, Winfield Township, Slippery Rock: Baked meatloaf with gravy, mashed potatoes, peas, gelatin
FRIDAY — Butler, Cranberry Township: Baked lemon pepper fish, rice pilaf, California blend vegetables, dinner roll, fresh fruit