BARTRAMIAN AUDUBON SOCIETY meeting, 7:30 p.m., Preston Environmental Center, Camp Bucoco, 16 miles north of Butler. Program: Awards night. Information: Nancy Baker, 814-437-5858 or nbaker@csonline.net.
INTERMEDIATE LEAGUE OF BUTLER executive board meeting, 7:30 p.m. at the home of Pat Montag, 223 Freeport Road. Information: 724-283-3180.
AMERICAN LEGION POST 117, AM Vets meeting, 7 p.m., post home, South Main Street.
MOTHERS OF MULTIPLES meeting, 7 p.m., Haine Elementary School, Haine School Road, Cranberry Township. Information: Shelly Natali, 724-538-3522.
PENNSYLVANIA PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT NETWORK meeting, 6 p.m., Career Link Building, Hollywood Drive, Pullman Square. Information: www.papen.us.
FREE COMMUNITY MEAL, 5 to 6 p.m. at First English Lutheran Church, 241 N. Main St., Butler. Held jointly with Grace Lutheran and Jefferson Presbyterian churches.
<B>BINGO</B>, 7 p.m., Sugarcreek Township Fire Hall. Rodgers and Kittanning Hollow roads.<B>SPAGHETTI DINNER</B>, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Eau Claire Methodist Church, North Washington Street, Eau Claire. Cost: donation.<B>BUTLER HUMAN RESOURCE ASSOCIATION</B> meeting, 11:30 a.m., Conley's Resort, Route 8. Speaker: William Santa. Program: "Cost Containment and Loss Prevention Strategies." Information: Shirley Warburton, 724-282-1500.<B>MOMS CLUB OF THE GIBSONIA/MARS</B> meeting, 9:30 a.m., Bakerstown United Methodist Church, Route 8 and Dickey Road, Gibsonia. For information, call 724-449-9241.<B>BUTLER COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO ASSOCIATION</B> meeting, 7:30 p.m., Moraine Trails Council, BSA building, 830 Morton Ave. Ext. Information: Jim Love, 724-482-2656.<B>BUTLER COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY</B> meeting, 6:30 p.m., lower level conference room, Butler Public Library, 218 N. McKean St. Program: "Early Medical History of Butler."<B>MORA CLUB</B> meeting, 1:30 p.m., YMCA, 339 N. Washington Street. Speaker: Jim Struzzi of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Program: Community relations. Open to members and spouses.<B>MICHAEL KOSAR AMERICAN LEGION POST 778,</B> meeting and auxiliary meeting, 7 p.m., post home, 150 Legion Memorial Lane, off Kohler Ave., Lyndora.<B>BUTLER KIWANIS CLUB</B> meeting, 6 p.m., Butler YWCA, 120 W. Cunningham St., Butler. Speaker: Bee man Ed Swank,<B>FREE COMMUNITY MEAL</B>, 5 to 6 p.m., St. Paul Roman Catholic Church 128 N. McKean St., Butler.<B>FREE HOT MEAL</B>, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Salvation Army Open Door Feeding Program, 313 W. Cunningham St., Butler.
<B>STUFFED PORK CHOP DINNER</B>, 3 to 6 p.m., Six Points Church of God of Prophecy, Route 58, 2 miles east of Eau Claire. Takeouts available.<B>MARINE CORP LEAGUE, BANTAM DETACTMENT 743</B> breakfast, 8 a.m., King's Family Restaurant, New Castle Road.<B>SAXONBURG LIONS CLUB</B> meeting, 6:30 p.m., Saxonburg Library, Main Street, Saxonburg. Speaker: Angela Augostine.<B>STUFFED PORK CHOP DINNER</B> 4 to 6 p.m. or while dinners last, VFW Post 249, 429 W. Jefferson St. Cost: $7/adults, $4/children younger than 12. Takeouts: $7.50 and $4.50.<B>OAK HILLS GARDEN CLUB FORMER CONCORD HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS</B> luncheon, noon, King's Restaurant, New Castle Road.<B>55 AND ALIVE CLUB</B> of St. Michael's the Archangel Roman Catholic Church, meeting, 1 p.m., Parish Social Hall, Glenn Ave.<B>BINGO</B>, 7 to 9 p.m. VFW Post 249, 429 W. Jefferson St., Butler.<B>TANGLEWOOD SOCIAL CLUB</B> meeting, 7:30 p.m. Founders Hall, 10 Austin Ave., Lyndora. Games and cards.<B>AMERICAN LEGION POST 778</B> dance, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m., 150 Legion Memorial Lane, Lyndora. Participants should take their own beverages. Cost: $5. Snacks available.<B>BINGO</B>, 6:30 p.m., early bird, Bradys Bend Sons of Italy, Route 68, Bradys Bend.<B>BREAKFAST BINGO</B>, early bird, 9:30 a.m., Elks Home, 80 Kaufman Drive.<B>BUTLER SHRINE LUNCHEON CLUB</B> meeting, noon, Creative Catering, 437 N. Main St., Butler.<B>FREE COMMUNITY MEAL</B>, 5 to 6 p.m., Saint Andrews U.P. Church, 201 E. Jefferson St., Butler. Use the Cliff Street entrance.<B>FREE HOT MEAL</B>, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Salvation Army Open Door Feeding Program, 313 W. Cunningham St., Butler.Notices of local club meetings, card parties and dinners should be received by the Focus Department one week in advance of the event. Entries should include the name and phone number of the person providing the information and be sent to: Focus, Butler Eagle, P.O. Box 271, Butler, PA 16003.