Northwest Butler County by the numbers
Here are the population figures for northwest Butler County according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey 5-year estimates from 2022:
Total area: 186.58 square miles
Population: 22,456
Total households: 7,798
Average household size: 2.88
Houses with a mortgage: 2,720
Renters: 2,493
Management, business, science and arts: 3,452
Sales and office: 2,747
Service: 2,420
Sales and related: 1,440
Production, transportation and material moving: 1,385
Natural resources, construction and maintenance: 1,342
Office and administrative support: 1,307
Education, legal, community service, arts and media: 1,026
Food preparation and serving: 987
Construction and extraction: 731
Educational instruction and library: 592
Computer, engineering and science: 475
Health diagnosing and treating practitioners: 336
Area: 16.97 square miles
Total population: 1,138
Household size: 2.78
Average household income: $82,032
Per capita income: $30,803
Families in the poverty range: 20.0 (8.2%)
Average house value: $172,150
Houses with mortgages: 161
Renters: 35
Area: 25.62 square miles
Total population: 980
Household size: 2.90
Average household income: $101,274
Per capita income: $34,780
Families in the poverty range: 15.0 (5.8%)
Average house value: $187,200
Houses with mortgages: 160
Renters: 41
Area: 25.11 square miles
Total population: 2,320
Household size: 2.39
Average household income: $82,311
Per capita income: $36,692
Families in the poverty range: 44.7 (7.0%)
Average house value: $217,250
Houses with mortgages: 474
Renters: 94
Area: 0.80 square mile
Total population: 865
Household size: 2.43
Average household income: $85,574
Per capita income: $32,411
Families in the poverty range: 10.1 (5.0%)
Average house value: $137,750
Houses with mortgages: 125
Renters: 70
Area: 25.35 square miles
Total population: 1,063
Household size: 2.50
Average household income: $132,016
Per capita income: $52,319
Families in the poverty range: 14.0 (4.4%)
Average house value: $204,150
Houses with mortgages: 183
Renters: 51
Area: 12.97 square miles
Total population: 1,182
Household size: 2.76
Average household income: $80,204
Per capita income: $31,561
Families in the poverty range: 35.9 (11.5%)
Average house value: $155,300
Houses with mortgages: 178
Renters: 88
Area: 22.60 square miles
Total population: 2,231
Household size: 2.51
Average household income: $88,129
Per capita income: $35,164
Families in the poverty range: 14.3 (2.4%)
Average house value: $273,200
Houses with mortgages: 361
Renters: 51
Area: 0.80 square mile
Total population: 213
Household size: 2.17
Average household income: $76,439
Per capita income: $36,026
Families in the poverty range: 5.0 (7.0%)
Average house value: $160,500
Houses with mortgages: 41
Renters: 29
Area: 1.65 square mile
Total population: 3,367
Household size: 2.37
Average household income: $64,718
Per capita income: $24,967
Families in the poverty range: 29.9 (5.9%)
Average house value: $211,900
Houses with mortgages: 242
Renters: 797
Area: 25.78 square mile
Total population: 7,276
Household size: 2.38
Average household income: $71,826
Per capita income: $21,776
Families in the poverty range: 132.8 (13.2%)
Average house value: $258,850
Houses with mortgages: 504
Renters: 990
Area: 3.84 square mile
Total population: 297
Household size: 2.48
Average household income: $70,180
Per capita income: $29,273
Families in the poverty range: 11.0 (13.6%)
Average house value: $246,700
Houses with mortgages: 41
Renters: 30
Area: 0.11 square mile
Total population: 220
Household size: 2.47
Average household income: $63,629
Per capita income: $26,576
Families in the poverty range: 2.0 (4.1%)
Average house value with note above or below state average: $160,050
Houses with mortgages: 28
Renters: 42
Area: 24.98 square miles
Total population: 1,304
Household size: 2.18
Average household income: $93,650
Per capita income: $56,102
Families in the poverty range: 1.1 (0.3%)
Average house value: $253,450
Houses with mortgages: 222
Renters: 175