Central Butler County by the numbers
Here are the population figures for central Butler County according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey 5-year estimates from 2022:
Area: 192.74
Total population: 60,248
Average household income: $87,966
Per capita income: $37,584
Families below the poverty line: 924
Percent below poverty level: 5.9%
Total families: 15,619
Median house value: $196,909
Houses with mortgage: 9,897
Renters: 7,882
Top occupations:
Management, business, science and arts: 10,468
Sales and office: 5,805
Service: 4,944
Production, transportation and material moving: 4,861
Natural resources, construction and maintenance: 3,008
Sales and related: 2,699
Office and administrative support: 3,106
Education, legal, community service, arts and media: 2,597
Production: 2,168
Construction and extraction: 1,701
Health diagnosing and treating practitioners: 1,699
Food preparation and serving: 1,548
Educational instruction and library: 1,430
Material moving: 1,373
Transportation: 1,320
Healthcare support: 1,287
Installation, maintenance and repair: 1,232
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance: 998
Area: 2.72 square miles
Total population: 13,387
Household size: 2.10
Average household income: $56,690
Per capita income: $26,681
Families in the poverty range: 422.2 (14.8%)
Average house value: $105,250
Houses with mortgages: 1,629
Renters: 3,637
Area: 21.62 square miles
Total population: 17,094
Household size: 2.14
Average household income: $95,184
Per capita income: $44,459
Families in the poverty range: 115.6 (2.5%)
Average house value: $192,900
Houses with mortgages: 3,308
Renters: 1,857
Area: 24.39
Total population: 7,862
Household size: 2.28
Average household income: $105,911
Per capita income: $47,560
Families in the poverty range: 78.8 (3.7%)
Average house value: $219,900
Houses with mortgages: 1,432
Renters: 594
Area: 0.53 square miles
Total population: 968
Household size: 2.40
Average household income: $87,002
Per capita income: $37,783
Families in the poverty range: 16.1 (7.0%)
Average house value: $153,900
House with mortgages: 136
Renters: 125
Area: 23.68 square miles
Total population: 2,968
Household size: 2.34
Average household income: $81,413
Per capita income: $32,862
Families in the poverty range: 40.2 (4.7%)
Average house value: $195,150
Houses with mortgages: 451
Renters: 155
Area: 1.36 square mile
Total population: 647
Household size: 2.62
Average household income: $105,041
Per capita income: $40,477
Families in the poverty range: 32.9 (16.3%)
Average house value: $297,050
Houses with mortgages: 141
Renters: 50
Area: 22.74 square miles
Total population: 4,212
Household size: 2.24
Average household income: $96,639
Per capita income: $43,739
Families in the poverty range: 19.4 (1.7%)
Average house value: $265,350
Houses with mortgages: 701
Renters: 386
Area: 23.19 square miles
Total population: 1,650
Household size: 2.55
Average household income: $95,628
Per capita income: $35,184
Families in the poverty range: 14.9 (3.2%)
Average house value: $198,950
Houses with mortgages: 255
Renters: 88
Area: 1.04 square mile
Total population: 764
Household size: 2.46
Average household income: $62,722
Per-capita income: $26,323
Families in the poverty range: 15.1 (5.8%)
Average house value: $138,000
House with mortgages: 197
Renters: 76
Area: 21.28 square miles
Total population: 2,587
Household size: 2.23
Average household income: $80,230
Per capita income: $37,358
Families in the poverty range: 16.8 (2.2%)
Average house value: $237,400
Houses with mortgages: 527
Renters: 81
Area: 23.68 square miles
Total population: 2,775
Household size: 2.60
Average household income: $101,168
Per capita income: $40,823
Families in the poverty range: 70.9 (9.7%)
Average house value: $218,400
Houses with mortgages: 480
Renters: 200
Area: 4.08 square miles
Total population: 946
Household size: 2.46
Average household income: $90,291
Per capita income: $37,760
Families in the poverty range: 11.0 (4.0%)
Average house value: $135,975
Houses with mortgages: 136
Renters: 48
Area: 22.43 square miles
Total population: 4,498
Household size: 2.20
Average household income: $68,865
Per capita income: $37,760
Families in the poverty range: 70.3 (6.5%)
Average house value: $186,350
Houses with mortgages: 504
Renters: 585