Hunters who bag a doe or a buck can submit photos of them for publication in the Eagle in three ways:
• By e-mail: Send a JPEG file as an attachment to an e-mail message to
• By mail: Send a print to Butler Eagle, Sports Department, Deer Photos, P.O. Box 271, Butler PA 16003
• In person: Drop off a print at the Eagle office, 114 W. Diamond St., Butler.
Those who want their prints returned must provide a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
The following information should be submitted with all deer photos: hunter's name, age, location where he/she lives, location where the deer was harvested, the date harvested and point size, if applicable.
• FOX CHAPEL — Drill 4 Skill Basketball Camps will host Santa Slam, a pool-play tournament for girls in grades six through eight, Dec. 18 and 19 at Shady Side Academy.Call 724-843-6320 for details.• POLAND, Ohio — The Poland Boosters Basketball Tournament takes place Jan. 29 and 30, and Feb. 5 and 6 for boys and girls in grades four through six.Call David Wolfe at 330-707-0565 for details.