Neubert: Beat the chill with these winter running tips
Bright holiday runs are past, and the long, cold trudge toward spring begins.
For runners in Western Pennsylvania, these next months can be challenging as some begin marathon training while others simply try to maintain some level of fitness and sanity. Who doesn’t love the carefree days of summer when you head out the door in shorts and a shirt for no particular destination?
Those days are gone, at least for now. With a real risk of frostbite or hypothermia, running takes a more serious tone.
While some hibernate in the comfort of the local gym or channel their inner gerbil on a home treadmill, others, by choice or necessity, hit the roads and trails in any weather. With a little planning, winter running can be safe, enjoyable or at least tolerable.
Check the weather and dress accordingly. For temperatures below 32 degrees, dress in layers with a base of wicking fabric. Avoid cotton, which holds moisture. Top that base with insulation of a light, technical fabric or wool which keeps its insulating power when wet. The outside layer should be breathable and, for snowy conditions, water resistant.
If you run on roads, especially at dusk or in the dark, that top layer should also be a bright color. In winter, a hat is a necessity, not an accessory. Use it to regulate body heat – on if you’re cold, off if you’re starting to sweat. And don’t forget extra insulation for any extremities including fingers, toes, ears and certain private parts.
If you find it difficult to face that initial Arctic blast, tumble running clothes in the warm dryer for a few minutes.
Warm up with dynamic stretches before you head out the door. Be sure to warm up with slow jogging before stretching muscles with a full run.
Cold can be a trigger for those who suffer from asthma. But despite what you may have heard, you won’t freeze your lungs by running in the cold. But breathing cold air may dry your bronchial tubes, which can cause coughing and leave you exposed to whatever virus is making its rounds. Cover your face loosely with a scarf or buff to prewarm and moisten the air. Run at an easy pace to limit cold air exposure.
Choose your route wisely. A jog through your neighborhood may be convenient but not the best choice on icy sidewalks. Instead, look for a location you know is well maintained such as well-traveled streets, campus drives, etc.
On ice and snow, match shoes to surface. Trail shoes, especially those with water resistant uppers, are great for snow and slush. For ice, attach traction devices such as Yaktrax. If you run often on ice and snow, add ice screws to your shoes or purchase a pair of Icebugs, shoes with built-in ice studs.
In running as with many things in life, pleasure exists under safety. In extreme conditions, there’s safety in numbers. And as the more than 800 finishers in last weekend’s two chilly North Park races can attest, it’s also a lot of fun.
If you must run alone, at least let someone in on your planned route and estimated return time. Phone a friend or 911 if you are injured or find yourself experiencing symptoms of hypothermia.
Fight the cold indoors as well as out. Staying hydrated will help the body circulate a good supply of warming blood to fingers, toes and other extremities. Remember to sip water and other healthy beverages throughout the day to top off the tank.
Your body may be more vulnerable to seasonal viruses when cold. To avoid a chill following your run, cool down and stretch indoors while you heat the bathroom. Then, strip off those damp running clothes and enjoy a hot shower.
And for me, nothing tops off a successful winter run better than sitting by the fire with a good book and a beverage.
Saturday, 1 p.m.: Greenwood Furnace Snowfest 5 Miler, Huntingdon. Trail race starts at Rothrock State Forest’s Pavilion #7, part of Snowfest Festival.
Sunday, 10 a.m.: Just a Jog 5k, Columbiana, OH. Starts at Columbiana High School. Winter scarves to overall and age group winners.
Feb. 1, 8 a.m.: Hot Springs Half Marathon, Hot Springs, Arkansas. Destination run organized by Wolf Creek Race Management.
Feb. 1, 9 a.m.: Groundhog Day 5k, Allison Park. Also 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk starting at North Park Boathouse.
Feb. 2, 10 a.m.: Groundhog Day 4 Mile, Punxsutawney. Starts at Barclay Square, runs from downtown to Gobbler’s Knob and back.
Feb. 8, 8 a.m.: GCXC+Cancer Bridges Community Run/Walk, Pittsburgh. Free registration with 6 run/walk options followed by pancake breakfast provided by Cancer Bridges charity. Donations accepted.
Feb. 8, 10 a.m.: You Complete Me 5k Run/Walk, Canfield, OH. Run at Canfield Fairgrounds with finisher medals to individuals or couples, awards for fastest couples.
Feb. 8, 10 a.m.: 17th Annual Cupid’s Chase 5k, Butler. Run at Lake Arthur Golf Club benefits Community Options, Inc.
Feb. 8, 10 a.m.: Community Options Cupid’s Chase 5k, Pittsburgh. Run on River Trail on North Shore.
Feb. 8, 10 a.m.: Cupid’s Chase 5k, Latrobe. Run through downtown.
Feb. 9, 9 a.m.: 4Ever Yours 4 Miler and 2 Person Relay, Allison Park. Valentine-themed race starting at North Park Boathouse.
Feb. 9, 10 a.m.: Valentine Prediction Run, Erie. Predict your pace per mile on the 3-5 Mile course. Chocolate awards for most accurate predictions.
Feb. 15, 9 a.m.: South Park Half Marathon, South Park. Two loops on paved park roads.
Feb. 15, 4 p.m.: Big One Run, New Castle. Run fast, downhill mile, challenging 5k or both at Cascade Park.
Feb. 16, 10 a.m.: Chili 5k, Mentor, OH. Run in Springbrook Gardens Park, post-race chili.
Feb. 22, 10 a.m.: Epicenter Eight(0.5), Fredonia. First event in MCTA 26.2 Series. 724-301-6775 or
Feb. 22, 10 a.m.: 49th Annual Spring Thaw, Allison Park. Run 5, 10, 15 or 20 miles in loops around North Park Lake. Post race hot soup.
ATTACC the Run 5k, Oct. 20: Jacob Montag, 1st Overall M, 19:54; Nora Narwold, 1st Overall W, 23:58; Jason Karns, 2nd Overall M, 24:29; Benjamin Bassaly, 26:59; Patrick Quinn, 27:01; Anthony Mendicino, 27:28; Mitch Radella, 28:01; Henry Bernacki, Jr.; 28:36; Annie Bernacki, 28:38; Clair Armburger, 30:55; Letitia Armburger, 30:59; Liam Swackhammer, 35:06; Mal Swackhammer, 35:06; Andrew Moulton, 39:24; Michele Goodworth, 52:01; Courtney Waugaman, 52:02
Preston Park 5k, Oct. 20: Ethan Fritz, 1st Overall M, 20:43; Christine Filer, 1st Overall W, 24:49; Camden Schaefer, 1st 11-14 M, 21:08; Anthony Miller, 1st 30-39 M, 21:26; Justin Sellinger, 2nd 11-14 M, 22:32; Vern Morrow, 1st 60-69 M, 22:45; David Snyder, 2nd 40-49 M, 22:48; Jordan Eckenrode, 3rd 11-14 M, 25:22; Avery Sauer, 1st 40-49 W, 26:23; Cameron Smith, 1st 15-19 M, 27:33; Melissa Yeany, 2nd 40-49 W, 27:42; Miranda Lajevic, 1st 15-19 W, 28:47; Dan Kendra, 3rd 60-69 M, 28:48; James Dankovich, 2nd 50-59 M, 29:21; Jen Beachem, 3rd 40-49 W, 29:22; Patrick Kelly, 3rd 50-59 M, 29:58; Dana Nicklas, 1st 50-59 W, 30:15; Kevin Suchcicki, 2nd 30-39 M, 31:01; Tyler Leary, 1st 20-29 M, 31:06; Eric Rusnak, 2nd 20-29 M, 31:29; Dan Fetchko, 3rd 20-29 M, 31:54; Camryn Bowser, 2nd 11-14 M, 33:45; Isabelle Fesler, 1st 10 & Under W, 34:22; Jenn Fesler, 1st 30-39 W, 34:22; Jennifer Balsiger, 2nd 30-39 W, 34:28; Diana Laslavic, 2nd 20-29 W, 35:06; Suzanne Schaefers, 2nd 50-59 W, 36:02; Kimberly Miller, 3rd 50-59 W, 36:03; Harper Bradigan, 3rd 11-14 W, 43:15; Janice Pakozdi-Luffy, 2nd 60-69 W, 49:43 Sherry Lynn, 3rd 60-69 W, 50:12; Ben Valletto, 3rd 30-39 M, 1:16:27; Luke Robbins, 25:29; Cooper Rauschenberger, 25:29; Mandy James, 29:25; Mike Murphy, 29:39; Doug Hart, 30:14; Derrick Henderson, 30:45; Weston Transue, 31:43; Robyn Fox, 33:22; Lucas Bowser, 33:53; Jennifer Eckenrode, 34:34; Brianna Bailey, 36:13; Doug Vensel, 38:43; Meagan Summerville, 38:46; Erin Zanella, 39:52; Ashley Brewer, 39:52; Jamie Hooks, 40:06; Tabitha Bowser, 40:49; Randy Bowser, 40:51; Walt Tutak, 41:33; Deborah Takacs, 42:10; Lauren Bradigan, 43:18; Chelsea Kendrew, 46:49; Tammy Schuey, 49:50 Marty Luffy, 50:12; Rebecca Leitem, 57:43; Lexie Graham, 57:46; Daryl Milcic, 1:16:28; Jacob Dufford, 1:20:55
Preston Park 10k, Oct. 20: Anthony Miller, 1st Overall M, 44:28; Christine Filer, 1st Overall W, 51:48; Mark Sekerek, 1st 40-49 M, 44:58; Levi Orloski, 1st 20-29 M, 47:07; David Snyder, 3rd 40-49 M, 49:29; Vern Morrow, 1st 60-69 M, 49:40; Travis Shaffer, 1st 15-19 M, 51:03; Noah Karnes, 2nd 15-19 M, 51:15; Kevin Smetak, 1st 50-59 M, 53:05; Avery Sauer, 1st 40-49 W, 55:31; Liam Breski, 3rd 15-19 M, 55:51 Keith Smetak, 2nd 50-59 M, 58:05; Nicole Hogue, 1st 30-39 W, 58:46; Dan Kendra, 2nd 60-69 M, 1:00:08; Dana Nicklas, 1st 50-59 W, 1:00:20; James Dankovich, 3rd 50-59 M, 1:01:35; Dan Fetchko, 2nd 20-29 M, 1:05:19; Lana Kramer, 3rd 40-49 W, 1:07:55; Anthony Sunseri, 1st 70+ M, 1:19:27; Elizabeth Kruck, 3rd 30-39 W, 1:20:25; Lisa Jamison, 2nd 50-59 W, 1:21:12; Travis Bellis, 54:17; John Mauthe, 56:45; Mike Murphy, 1:05:23; Jennifer Eckenrode, 1:10:42; David Murray, 1:10:44; Dianna Craig, 1:13:17; Brianna Bailey, 1:26:39; Haley Watkins, 1:35:42
Preston Park 15k Challenge, Oct. 20: Anthony Miller, 1:05:54; David Snyder, 1:12:17; Vern Morrow, 1:12:25; Christine Filer, 1:16:37; Avery Sauer, 1:21:55; Dan Kendra, 1:28:57; Dana Nicklas, 1:30:36; James Dankovich, 1:30:56; Mike Murphy, 1:35:03; Dan Fetchko, 1:37:14; Jennifer Eckenrode, 1:45:16; David Murray, 1:46:27; Brianna Bailey, 2:02:53
Veteran’s Half Marathon, Nov. 3: Levi Wyszynski, 1st Overall M, 1:21:17; Jensen Westrick, 1st Overall W, 1:34:13; Lindsey Smarto,1st 25-29 W, 1:58:24; Cameron Brookins, 2nd 60-64 M, 2:11:59; Jarrod Sleppy, 2:01:35; Michael LeClaire, 2:19:05; Ashley LeClaire, 2:33:05; Doug Titchen, 2:39:14
Pat Neubert is a running columnist for the Butler Eagle. Send comments and suggestions: Patricia Neubert, phone 724-352-4395, email