Senior centers at Butler, Chicora, Cranberry Township, Evans City, Mars, Slippery Rock, Mount Chestnut and Winfield Township will serve the following menus this week.
Lunch is served at noon. A grab-and-go option is available. Reservations must be made 48 hours in advance. Call 724-282-3008, ext. 6.
MONDAY — Mount Chestnut, Cranberry Township: Centers closed for Presidents Day
TUESDAY — Evans City, Slippery Rock, Butler, Cranberry Township: Chili with cheddar cheese, tossed salad, cornbread, applesauce
WEDNESDAY — Chicora, Butler, Cranberry Township: Swedish meatballs with gravy, buttered noodles, peas, dinner roll, blushed pears
THURSDAY — Evans City, Winfield Township, Slippery Rock: Taco salad, tortilla chips, tortilla soup, pineapple
FRIDAY — Butler: Breaded fish, mac ‘n cheese, stewed tomatoes, seasonal fresh fruit