SEBCO Pool renovation scheduled for after 2025 season
The long-awaited major renovation to SEBCO Pool in Jefferson Township is one step closer to happening, but will wait until the close of the 2025 summer season before taking place.
During a board of supervisors meeting on Monday night, March 10, Jefferson Township supervisors voted to advertise for bids for the construction portion of pool renovations once the township’s engineering firm, HRG, completes bid documents.
According to township manager Leo Rosenbauer, renovations will take place after the pool closes for the season, which normally follows Labor Day weekend.
“We won’t start until after the closing of the pool in 2025,” Rosenbauer said.
The major parts of the renovation will include total replacement of the pool’s old heater and filtration system — with new systems placed in a new detached building — along with the addition of a new pool liner.
While the timetable for the renovation project is not yet known, and will not be known until bids come in, Rosenbauer said the board is expecting the project to take seven to eight months.
Recently, Jefferson Township received a $125,000 grant from Pennsylvania’s Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program to assist in the renovation project. The township also received a $555,000 grant from the state’s Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in mid-2022.
“Some funds from the township (will be used) as needed,” Rosenbauer said.
The SEBCO Pool, located on Doerr Park Drive, opens for the season Memorial Day weekend.