Adams Township
ADAMS TWP — Supervisors approved a number of items at their Monday night meeting:
Rescheduled a public hearing for the vacation of Hespenheide Road to 6:55 p.m. June 22
Ratified a June 1 emergency meeting and action taken at it
Transferred $87,000 from the general checking account to the general fund money market
Transferred $14,700 from the recreation fee money market to the park fund checking account
Advertising for bids for sealcoat and paving on Ridge and Davidson roads
Eliminated a public works position
Consolidated two parcels on the Duffy property along Myoma Road
Resolution 2020-18, which renews the date on the Three Degree Road turnback resolution with PennDOT
Resolution 2020-19, which pledges $2 million over 10 years toward the Route 228 widening project if the county can secure federal funding
A resolution to reserve the right to bill property owners for engineering costs associated with disputes if the township is brought into the situation
A resolution to have township solicitor Michael Gallagher modify the burn ordinance to specify when recreational fires are permitted.