Air Force Airman 1st Class
James Taylor Jr.
is a member of the Air Force Honor Guard stationed at Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, D.C., who provided support for the state funeral honoring former President Ronald Reagan in Washington.
He is the son of Dorothy Taylor of Slippery Rock and James Taylor of Corry R.R. 2.
Taylor is a 2000 graduate of Laurel High School, New Castle.
Army Maj.Brian Dunmireof Middlesex Townshiphas graduated from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and was awarded a master of military arts and science degree.The course is designed to educate and prepare midcareer military officers to serve as commanders and principal staff officers in large military units.His next assignment will be attending the Joint Military Intelligence College in Washington, D.C. He is the son of Richard and stepson of Janice Dunmire of Valencia. His mother, Margaret Dunmire, lives in Orlando, Fla.Dunmire graduated from Mars High School in 1988 and received a bachelor's degree in 1992 from Penn State University. He earned a master's degree in 1998 from St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas.---Air Force CadetJason Wallacehas graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo., The graduate received a bachelor's degree in American history and was commissioned as a second lieutenant.The officer is scheduled to attend aircraft maintenance and munitions training at Sheppard Air Force Base, Wichita Falls, Texas. Upon completion of technical training, he will be assigned to Kadena Air Base, Japan.The lieutenant is the son of Richard Wallace of Fairview, Erie County, and grandson of Eldora McClymonds of Portersville.He is a 1999 graduate of Fairview High School.---
Lt.Stephen Platthas recently been assigned to Squadron VP-9 (Golden Eagles), Kaneohe, Hawaii.Platt, a 1992 graduate of Butler High School and a 1996 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, received his Naval Flight Officer Wings in 1998.Previously, the lieutenant was assigned to VS-29 (Dragonfires), Naval Air Station, North Island, Calif., and served combat tours aboard the U. S. aircraft carriers Carl Vinson, during Operation Enduring Freedom, and Nimetz, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.He is married to the former Nicia Walsh of Pensacola, Fla., and is the son of Thomas and Janet Platt of Butler.---Coast Guard Seaman ApprenticeKathryn McDougall, daughter of Rita Teubner of Gibsonia and William McDougall of Allison Park, recently graduated from the Coast Guard Recruit Training Center in Cape May, N.J.McDougall is a 2000 graduate of Mount Alvernia High School in Pittsburgh.
The Governor's Veterans Outreach and Assistance Center also has information for the following:Veterans who have served in Afghanistan or Iraq.Veterans who want to be on the World War II Memorial Registry.New rules for Vietnam veterans with diabetes.Korean Service Medal for veterans serving in the Korean War.For details, contact the GVOAC at 800-442-6815 or 724-837-7988.---Area veterans who served on the USS Canberra are invited to the reunion scheduled for Oct. 13 to 16 in Louisville, Ky. For more information, contact Bryan Humphrey, P.O. Box 1758, Ocean Pines, MD 21811; phone, 410-208-4911; or e-mail, USS Rowan will hold its reunion Nov. 10 to 14 in San Antonio, Texas. Area veterans interested in attending may contact Leo Jack Moore, #4 Ley Place, Sussex, NJ 07461-2413; phone, 973-875-4582; or e-mail,