Edwards Ice Cream is back in business
Jim Edwards called the opening of his ice cream shop “exciting.”
The longtime ice cream man had the grand opening of Edwards Ice Cream, located right next to Butler High School, New Castle Road, on Saturday.
Edwards previously owned the Dairy Queen that occupied that same building but after breaking away from the franchise, he needed time to set up his own shop.
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The wait didn't last long.Local patrons flocked to Edwards Ice Cream, supporting the small business.Currently the store, which is only selling soft-serve for the remainder of the year, is giving away free ice cream to first-day customers as a thank-you for local support.The shop is located on 169 New Castle Road, Butler and is is open from noon until 10 p.m. daily.For opening day, raspberry was the flavor of the day.<em>Read the full story in the Butler Eagle.</em>