Bridget Higgins
The family of Bridget Higgins wishes to express our gratitude to our relatives, friends, and neighbors of McCalmont Road, Eckstein Road, and Marshall Drive areas, and to all others who so generously contributed flowers, food, memorials, cards of sympathy, and masses at the time of our sorrow.
We wish to thank the nurses and aides of Schwalm Hall (it's still Neitzel to us) at Concordia Lutheran Ministries for their wonderful, compassionate care of our mother during her stay with them. We could not have asked for anything more. We would also like to thank Dave Fox for all his help during her stay. Thank you to the administrative staff, physical therapy, activities, dietary, housekeeping, maintenance and any others who were involved with her stay in any way. We could not have done it without all of you. Thank to Nallathambi Medical Associates.
A special thanks to Father Harry Bielewicz of St. Paul Church for his spiritual guidance in our time of grief, to Sister Mary Edmund for her faithful visits to our mother and to St. Paul Christian Mothers.
To Martin Funeral Home: "You and your family were truly "family" when we needed you." Your compassion and understanding were greatly appreciated.